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I chose my name as a re-spelling of the Arabic girl's name Taliba, meaning "Seeker of Knowledge." I played briefly in Tale 2, and found that my favorite pastime was to work with others to figure out details of game mechanics, so that name seems appropriate. (Though an Arabic name may be less appropriate for ancient than modern Egyptians, I figure it's good enough for ATitD.)
This tale, I seem to be spending most of my time on the wiki, learning details of how things work, writing up my own to-do list, and cleaning up pages. I've spent most of my time working on integrating Maps into various pages, so if you have a question about those, feel free to use my talk page.
Favorite Links
To Do
- Ready to make a Wheat Silo!
- Visit all Chariot Stops to continue garlic search so I can learn Cooking
- Make 70 (!) Linen
- Make tons of Charcoal and a Storage Basket
- Get Skills!
- Collect Limestone
- Try growing barley
- Visit Celaeno Universities for Technologies
Next Skills to Get
S Art
100 Candles (200 beeswax) (Salvage Techniques)
- 60 Linen (1600 lint) (Structure Repair)
S Body
- 1000 Charcoal (Salvage Techniques)
S Harm
S Lead
- 4 Canvas, 12 Rope (Project Management)
S Thought
- 50 Beeswax, 50 Oil, 300 Bricks (Structure Maintenance)
S Worsh
- 20 Common Basil,
1 Knife Blade, 7 Phagrus Meat(Filleting)
- 100 Garlic (Cooking)
- 10 Linen, 100 Oil, 200 Firebricks (Ritual Item Construction)
- 14 Candles (Ritual Item Construction 2nd)
Further into the future
- Build a Sculpture for principle
- More Salvage Techniques, Structure Repair, Structure Maintenance
- Build an Empty Hand Puzzle
- Cabbage Juice
- Carrot Juice
- Make Knife:Iron (Knife Blade needs 2 iron)
- Knife:Glass (Glass Blade and 4 Rawhide Strips
- 7 more iron Knife Blades for Filleting
- 14 iron
- 10 more Glass Blades for Carving level 3
- Another Glass Blade for a Glass Scythe
- Make a Basket for gathering grass (200 Dried Papyrus)
- Finish Heavy Mallet for more limestone
- Metal for Cooperage: 2 Brass Plate and 50 Copper Straps
- 2 Brass Plate = 40 Brass = 280 copper + 40 Tin
- 50 Copper Straps = 150 Copper
- Brick Machine (need to get some Concrete and calculate metal needs)
40 cc + 1 cc/minute, minimum of 60 cc
80 cc + 1 cc/minute, minimum of 100 cc
Mining and Smelting
- Copper: Krae's Mine+GC : 935, 6308 (NW of Papy Mountain)
- Iron, Tin (Copper): Alcyone Mine+GC : 1783, 2038 (S of Chariot)
- Lead, Tungsten, no smelting: Taygete 506, 6212 (W of U Worsh)
Available Skills and Techs
Level 2
Level 3
- Filleting--School of Worship (needs Knife Blade, Phagrus Meat, Common Basil
- Desiccation--various schools (needs Huge Gem + something else)
- Ritual Item Construction--School of Architecture (needs Linen, Firebricks, Oil)
Level 4
- Salvage Techniques--S Body (needs Charcoal)
- Structure Repair--S Art (needs Linen)
- Structure Maintenance--S Thought (needs Beeswax, Oil, Bricks)
- Cooking (2nd)--S Worsh (needs Common Sage, Thyme, Common Rosemary
Level 5
- Cooperage--S Body (Brass Plate, Copper Straps, Boards)
- The Art of the Pipe--S Art (Fine Glass Rods)
- Desiccation (2nd)--various schools (Huge Gem + something else)
- Ritual Item Construction (2nd)--S Worsh (needs Candles)
Level 6
Level 7
- Navigation--S Harm (Water in Jugs)
- Ecology (2nd)--S Body (Cabbage Juice)
- Cooking (3rd)--S Worsh (Salt)
- Salvage Techniques (3rd)
- Structure Repair (3rd)
- Desiccation (3rd)
- Project Management (2nd)
- Filleting (2nd)--S Worsh (Fish Roe, Carp Meat, Salt, Glass Jars)
Level 3
- Mass Production of Color--U Art (Celaeno)
Level 4
- Gem Cutting--U Thought (Celaeno)
- Advanced Metallurgy--U Harm (Celaeno, Sterope)
- Obelisk Construction 2--U Arch (Sinai, Sterope)
Level 5
- Aromatics--U Body (Celaeno)
- Structural Pottery--U Thought (Celaeno)
- Beer Brewing--U Body (Celaeno)
- Pyrotechnic Mortar Construction--U Art (Celaeno)
- Avian Selection--U Worsh (Celaeno)
- Thistle Gardening--U Worsh (Celaeno)
- Fine Casting--U Harm (Celaeno)
Level 6
- Gearbox Design--U Arch
- Masonry--U Arch
- Obelisk Construction (3rd)--U Arch
- Wood Treatment--U Arch
- Advanced Charcoal Production--U Body
- Gardening--U Worsh
Level 7
- Storage Improvements--U Arch
- Raeli Pottery--U Art
- Neutralization--U Thought
- Advanced Animal Husbandry
Find a place to live! (based on Public Works)
Built and expanded my compound
Made chests and basic amenities (bricks, boards, flax combs, one Small Distaff)
Made a Camel Pen for straw storage
Made Apiaries (10)
Got all Vegetable Seeds and Papyrus Seeds
- Traded for Leeks and Papyrus
Harvested and dried my first batch of Papyrus
Mined and smelted a huge batch of metal for making Tools and Improved Brick Racks
Built 9 Improved Brick Racks
Caught a Phagrus for Filleting tuition
Made 50 Jugs for Navigation
Made 5 Carpentry Blades
Made 8 iron Knife Blades (tuition and Iron Knife)
Made 5 Lead Chisels
Made blacksmithed hatchet and shovels
- Built an Obelisk for the Principle
Offline Chores
Watch out for
Scrape away the leaf hairs | Snip the leaf stems |
Scrape away the leaf hairs | Scrape off the stem pith |
Level Test
Avatar Name: Talibeh Level: 7 Residence: Taygete, just NW of Pi Bridge (level 1, 6, 7, 8, 12)